This is the second in our series of Images of the World taken over the course of the last twenty-five years since the founding of The California Native.
In Mexico’s Copper Canyon, a Tarahumara girl carries her baby sister on her back. |
In Chilean Patagonia youngsters demonstrate traditional dances. |
In a remote Laotian village, near the Mekong River, villagers wear traditonal clothing. |
Young monks eating their once-a-day meal in a monastery in Myanmar (Burma). |
Boys from a small Laotian village have fun swimming in a tributary of the Mekong River. |
A mother selling produce in a market stall keeps her baby safe in a cardboard box, in China’s Yunan Province. |
In Laos, a boy carries his little brother while his friend balances a ball. |
Three young boys, in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, pose for us on their way home from school. |