Copper Canyon Book
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The Copper Canyon Companion, is written by the members of our California Native staff, and is a compendium of the many stories and photographs which have appeared in our newsletter over the past twenty years.

In its pages, you will meet the Tarahumara Indians, and our California Native guides will share with you their personal memories and affection for these proud people who refused to be conquered by both the Spaniards and the modern world.

The book will take you back in time and introduce you to the 17th-century conquistadores and priests, and the 19th-century Americans who left their mark on this rugged mountain area. There are also stories about heroes and villains—Father Miguel Hidalgo, the “Father of Mexico,” Emperor Maximilian, who was installed by France to rule the country, and Pancho Villa, hero or villain of the Revolution.

The book has useful information for travelers, including listings of birds and plants, a table of mileage and distances, a sightseer’s log of the Chihuahua al Pacifico Railroad, and more.
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